Ofsted and Performance Data

Ofsted and Performance data

Information about our latest Ofsted report and other school performance data is listed below.
Our school was last inspected in November 2017 with a GOOD overall grading.

Performance Data

Pupils are tested or assessed at different points throughout their school life and these results are submitted to the Department for Education to be collated alongside all other schools.

Early Years Foundation Stage: Age 5. Children are assessed in seven main areas: Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED), Communication, Language and Literacy (CLL), Literacy, Mathematics, Physical Development (PD), Understanding the World (UTW), Expressive Arts and Design (EAD). If children achieve in each of those areas, they achieve a Good Level of Development (GLD)

Year One: Age 6. Phonics Screening Check. Children are assessed on their ability to decode (sound out) familiar and nonsense words.

Year 2: Age 7. Children take Standard Attainment Tests (SATS) in English and Maths, including reading, grammar, punctuation and spelling. These are marked in school and teacher assessments submitted to the government. Children are either deemed to be Working Towards the Standard (WTS), Working At the Standard (WA) or Higher Standard (HS), or Greater Depth (GD) in writing, as these are assessed over a portfolio of pupil’s work.

Year 4: Age 9. Multiplication tables check

Year 6: Age 11. Children take Standard Attainment Tests (SATS). These include reading, writing, grammar, punctuation and spelling, Maths reasoning papers and mental arithmetic. These tests are conducted under test conditions and papers are sent securely to be marked externally. Children are either deemed to be Working Towards the Standard (WTS), Working At the Standard (WA) or Higher Standard (HS), or Greater Depth (GD) in writing, as these are assessed over a portfolio of pupil’s work.
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